Tailwind Stick 2 Serving
Tailwind Caffeinated Endurance Fuel delivers that extra boost of energy to help you complete the task at hand. Without having to worry about carrying any gels, bars or pills, simply scoop and shake Tailwind into your hydration for an effortless consumption of fuel. The light, tasty flavor is delicious without the use of any preservatives, dyes or ingredients you cant pronounce. Tailwind is easy on the stomach and great on taste.
One stick pack contains 2 servings.
Gluten-, soy- and dairy-free.
Excellent choice for vegan athletes.
Adjust to your personal calorie needs.
Easily dissolves with no film or aftertaste.
Hydration pack-friendly with easy cleanup and a quick rinseAdditional information
Weight 0.25 lbs Dimensions 5.375 × 8.625 × 1.625 in Color Green Tea Buzz, Raspberry Buzz, Tropical Buzz, Colorado Cola, Dauwaltermelon, Matcha, Naked, Grape
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